"This is an administration that will let its special interests -
particularly its high-rolling campaign contributors and its noisiest
theocrats of the right - have veto power over public safety, public health
and economic prudence in war, it turns out, no less than in peacetime.
The above statement is from RAWA
( -Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan ) & was
pulled from their "documents section". You may have seen some of the
spokeswomen on "Oprah" -as they say: "If you are freedom-loving
and anti-fundamentalist, you are with RAWA."
* -In my opinion, Restoring Democracy in Afghanistan will
require the "political savvy" & leadership abilities of RAWA Women:
While the tough, and undefeated Northern Alliance, with their "weapons
savvy" will be crucial to US ground forces; they are not well organized, or
resolutely aligned with one goal. The Women of RAWA have ONE GOAL:
* -Women, until 1996, in Afghanistan, lived under Constitutional
Democracy. They were contributors to the work force on every level. The
Taliban has, in effect, "put them under house arrest", and this has hurt
everyone in Afghanistan.
* -We can hope that the Oil Pipeline, and Oil & Mineral resources in
Afghanistan will be the source of a new boost to the economy of a new
Democracy in Afghanistan . -Oil companies are lusting after it, and would
use our US military for their own purpose.( *see "The oil behind Bush and
Son's campaigns" -story, below )
A Sacramento journalist is taken into custody by police
and forced to destroy photos by an over-zealous National Guardsman.
Apparently, the terrorists are indeed causing instability.
This statement -- already signed by more than 150
organizations (including CDT), 300 law professors, and 40 computer
scientists -- calls on lawmakers to consider proposals calmly and
deliberately with a determination not to erode the liberties and freedoms
that are at the core of the American way of life.
..."Charles Taylor has waged a continuous assault on the democratic dreams
of the Liberian people. He rules by decree, he suppresses the press . . .
and he sanctions, if not directs, the murder of political opponents. He and
his so-called 'inner circle' control virtually all the nation's significant
trade. . . . Liberia has been described as Charles Taylor Inc. This
corporation is corrupt to its core."...
"...I am informed that Planned Parenthood, the National
Abortion Federation and other clinics and offices have received threat
letters that contain an unidentified powder at more than 130 locations
around the U.S. The letters, received the week of October 15, claim to
contain anthrax. Some of the letters mention the "Army of God," a group that
has claimed responsibility for past attacks on women's health providers. It
is also disturbing that the envelopes had false return addresses from the
U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Marshal's Office and read "Time Sensitive -
Urgent Security Notice - Open Immediately..."
Toxins: Clinton's 1999 proposal that labs be required to list
all their dangerous agents failed to win Congress' OK.
***Oct 19 -The Anthrax Strain in all locations is identified as "same
source" & NOT "weaponized"***.
lends substantial credence to the expert's analysis below, that the scare
has been generated by US sources, -likely "US Backwoods Militias",
or, as many now surmise, -perhaps the "covert actions" of Prescription
Drug Companies, seeking profit for Drugs and Vaccines: *
Note: -Drug Companies "Own" Congress
Clive Williams, a specialist in terrorism at the Australian National
University (ANU) in Canberra, believes the evidence points to right-wing US
militia. "I think the first instances of it, the ones involving media, were
more likely to have been caused by extremist militia in the US who have
shown an interest in anthrax in the past and tried to acquire it," he told
Cipro is expensive -"...they did not take the more
aggressive step of breaking Bayer AG's patent on Cipro and authorizing other
drug companies to produce generic versions of the drug..."
This April '99 ABC News Article shows GOP "insider" Adm.
William J. Crowe Jr., former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the
most visible corporate director of the Bioport Corp., which manufactures the
anthrax vaccine.
To any didn't watch the experts on TV or listen on
C-Span -10/4: it is virtually impossible for
a crop duster to spread biological weapons: as a matter
of fact, it even hard for a state
sponsored facility to deliver such weapon.
ie. Crop Dusters are set at 100 micron dispersal, to
distribute effective bio(such as anthrax) it takes a 10
micron setting...
Terrorists do not have this capability. As to Chemical
Weapons, it would take huge amounts to pollute a water
supply, and then the filtration systems that are normal
would remove them.
I think it's fair to know these facts, as we don't need
false fears now.
President George W. Bush and his Administration have
brazenly, and mistakenly, decided that the American people will receive as
little of the truth as possible about the war on terrorism-Aviation Week & Space Technology
Osama Bin Laden's Bush family business connections, alliance
with Pakistan, will stimulate drug trade, bring revenues under U.S.
control - Colombian opium production will soar. The Taliban's biggest
economic attack on the U.S. came in February [2001] with the destruction of
its opium crop - Michael C. Ruppert
-But State Dept. Continues to Block Using Assets for Terror Victims
Oct 11-12
* Altho it was wisely indicated that any anti-terrorism bill would require
strict "money-laundering legislation" such as the one just passed by the
Senate Banking Committee; Banks rushed to lobby against key provisions:
*after all the rhetoric against money laundering by the white house, Bush
seems happy with the new House bill, without the "laundering" provisions:
could it be that there are concerns about what will be discovered in the
FBI investigation of the Carlyle Group which includes principals in the
Bush, & Bin Ladin Families, ex Sec of State Baker, and ex-Defense Sec.
Carlucci ? ( stories below )
* Under cover of darkness Thursday night, Attorney General, Ashcroft, met
with key Republican leaders. They scrapped the bi-partisan bill that was
carefully debated for weeks, and replaced it with a new bill, that was not
read(but barely scanned by most House Members), submitting it for a vote on
Friday. Judiciary Committee members said the new bill provided vastly
expanded powers to law enforcement without the checks that they had insisted
* One of the important "checks" in the bill that was discarded, was judicial
supervision of
any "secret searches and wiretaps". Additionally, the 2years review was
extended to 5 years. Today in the US congress there appears to be no
will to defend the very freedoms Mr. Bush says we are fighting for. These
actions are without precedent in US history and bear the gravest
implications for the social fabric of the nation.
* House Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee spent all day Friday
ramming through a $100 billion tax-cut package filled with bonuses for
corporations, wealthy Americans and others least in need of help.
Republicans waited until 10:30 p.m. the night before to spring the bill on
Democrats, reverting to the poisonous old practices of steamrolling
legislation through and, this time, exploiting a tragic national
emergency in the process.
As we consider the bailout of Insurance
Companies and Airlines(but NOT the individuals put out of work!), and the
New 100 Billion Dollar Tax Break for the Wealthy: it is good to get some
perspective from this Oct 2000 Article By ROBERT TRIGAUX:
Block, the renowned political cartoonist, -one of
the kindest people that I have ever met. I drove him regularly to the
Washington Post. I played all my newest recordings for him. He insisted on
purchasing them all. Once I protested, "Herb! You already have most of the
stuff on that tape: I'll get you a copy of the whole compilation, when it
is complete." "Nope", he replied, "I want THAT tape!" It was useless to
resist, he handed me a pile of bills(probably about $30) and I gave him the
It was a few years of driving him back and forth, before I got to realize
that he never forgot his friends, and anyone, from any walk of life, could
be his friend. He was always glad to see you, and always interested in what
life dealt you, personally. He was quick to respond to my semi-sophmoric
humor with quips of his own. He was the sharpest political critic, and saw
thru the artful deceptions of this era, quickly. I am very sorry that he
had to go now, as we kind of need him, especially.
I only saw him a couple of times, this last year, as I quit working the 2
way radio dispatch. This is my regret. If I had known that his "number was
coming up", I would have wished to get close to a little more of his wisdom.
On my "Still Warrior" CD Credits, published in early '98, it says "Special
Thanks to Herb Block, Washington Post".
-I did not shed any tears, hearing that he had passed: I did have regrets.
I will miss his easy laugh and twinkley eyes; his compassion: I will miss
shoving my latest layout, or Newsflash from the Internet thru the Green
door, in Georgetown, where he had lived. He slipped away, on us all, while
we were still mourning Sept 11. I guess I feel a sort of
vacuum, -but to me he represented a sort of living saint. I
guess I feel that he is still there,...listening.
News Consortium's Report is now overdue! they are
withholding the fact of Gores SUBSTANTIAL victory in Fla., with the excuse
that the "compilers of info" are committed elsewhere, in response to Sept
"In short, American citizens' voices have been seriously prevented from
influencing government for some time, with campaign financing
practices directly responsible.
Has anyone noticed, for example, how extremists in the administration and
Congress since the terrorist attack are quick to promote "big government"
when it comes to limiting civil rights and speech, limiting media criticism
and humor, establishing increased powers of police, FBI, judicial and
executive branch, bailing out airlines, etc?
Any serious attempt to end terrorism must begin with OUR
government's acknowledgement that we have systematically ignored danger
signs of terrorism, both international and domestic, in order to promote of
sale--and proliferation--of small arms for economic gains. The State Dept.
has always had the power to stop the distribution of these 50mm Rifles, that
are deadly at thousands of yards!
1. "Five of the hijackers were using stolen identities and investigators
are studying the possibility that the entire suicide squad consisted of
2. *"On one of the convicted bombers of the WTC: "In press interviews with
him in prison before he was convicted he said he was a "citizen of Islam"
and spoke very good Arabic. And the Arabs he lived with in New York before
the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 when he fled to Pakistan said
he spoke Iraqi Arabic and his given name was Raashid. They called him
Raashid the Iraqi". ..."And under this name he was not Pakistani but
Iraqi." "
Somehow, this all makes sense; that the source of our attacks was based
in Iraq, "state sponsored", and Sadaam Hussein at it's source,
rather than the exiled Saudis & the Taliban, alone; or "non-state
sponsored". Can anyone imagine the way Sadaam Hussein is laughing at this
confusion? Hussein will not laugh as the coalition against terrorism
turns toward him!
Reality Check! :1. DUring the Bombings, US Military dropped 37,000 Food Packets
each day. 2. There are an estimated 4,000,000 starving people in
Afghanistan. 3. Altho $320,000,000 has been committed to Food Aid for
Afghanistan, it will take complete involvement of ground relief agencies to
deliver an effective relief!
Relief Agencies have condemned the food drops: relief agencies beg for a halt in bombling so they can start trucking in food, as winter will come soon, and with it, starvation, -saying "the
attached statements in the food packets will likely be considered
propoganda, and hurt the real relief effort for the future"
Inspirational Quotes
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must
begin by subduing the freeness of speech." "They that can give up
essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." "Those that trade liberty for
security will have neither."
A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives. A popular government without popular knowledge or the means of acquiring it is but a prelude to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both. -James Madison
"First they ignore you; Then they laugh at you; Then they
fight you;
Then you win." -Gandhi
( more on Ghandi Here - Here and -Here-watch out for loud MIDI music )
"When fascism comes to America, they'll call it democracy" - Will
"The American people are slow to wrath, but once kindled; it is an all
consuming flame" - Teddy Roosevelt
"Never cease in the fight for peace, justice, and equality for all
people. Be perisitent in all that you do and don't allow anyone to sway you
from your conscience." - Leonard Peltier
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary
-George Orwell
"I saw GW Bush, but he took off his tie, and the skin popped up over his
head, so I did not see his face." -anonymous
Click Picture to go to Bin Ladin's Liquor
Store.....Here you will have the oppportunity to take "Shots"
with your mouse.....You may learn how difficult it is to avoid shooting
We can hope that the Oil Pipeline, and Oil resources in Afghanistan will be
the source of a new boost to the economy of Afghanistan's new Democracy.
Oil companies are lusting after it, and would use our military for their own
purpose. Women until 1996, in Afghanistan, lived under Constitutional
Democracy. They were contributors to the work force on every level. The
Taliban has "put them under house arrest", and this has hurt everyone
in Afghanistan.
This appears to be when Osama Bin Laden changed from
helping Americans fight the cold war, to fighting against Americans. -As
we have heard, even on the Networks, the US abandoned Afghanistan to it's
own turmoil, after Russia pulled out. -Some feel that Osama Bin Ladin's
more specific target is the 'Bush family regime'
I really do wish that I could believe that "Dubya" was acting
on his own, and not being "handled" by other sordid interests, but then
always a new twist: not long ago he pushed thru a veteran of Central
American Death Squads, Negroponte to US Ambassador to the UN, and now we
have another "insider" appointed to Saudi Arabia, ie:
I repost this from "IndexII" as it relates again! **In
the Wall Street Journal, it is also reported; -with a demand that Bush Jr
demand that Bush Sr withdraw from the Carlyle Group, which inclueds
Principals of the Bin Ladin Family, now under investigation by the FBI. -We
don't know, currently that Osama receives money from these interests, the
Bin Ladin Family says no, but it has been published in France, with cash
flow charts, that it is, indeed true, that Osama DOES receive substantially
from these Family Holdings
Primarily, from studying this page, and the links, I learned
GW Bush's Early Business Dealings were funded in association with Bin Laden
money, thru the BCCI(-info from '92 Senate Investigation of BCCI included)
*There is no way to know that GW had any idea of the source of the cash he
This site(from Mad Grandmothers) has been up and down, so
we copied it, and will post it on this site if it gets deleted
We all waited for the Consortium of News Groups to
release the final report on the recount of Fla's Election: now they are
withholding the fact of Gores SUBSTANTIAL victory in Fla., with the excuse
that the "compilers of info" are committed elsewhere, in response to Sept
A former CIA operative explains why the terrorist Usama
bin Ladin has little to fear from American intelligence
Stay Alert! We sure don't want the Oil, Chemical, and Defense Companies
taking advantage of the Crisis, to pad their profits on a grand scale, as
"little scam artists" have already done.
( In the 1980s, Robert Parry broke many of the stories now
known as the Iran-Contra scandal for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His
latest book is "Lost History". )
* ~/~ US Trade Rep. Zoellik trys to take advantage of Sept. 11, claiming
Congress must pass "Fast Track" authority to Bush.(this is politics at it's
"To have the USTR attack the patriotism of Americans for
their failure to support an unwritten, undisclosed bill demands a public
apology. To do this and then leave for Russia is even more
The word "Jihad" has been misinterpreted a lot,
lately. Bigots use it to mislabel muslims and Islam as hateful &
destructive. Criminals, such as Osama Bin Laden & those he has inspired,
use it for self vindication; but crimes against humanity are NOT Jihad.
Jehad or Jihad has a great significance in Islam and in the life of a
Muslim. The "big jihad" is the struggle within. Please study the real
meanings HERE, and HERE.
Click on "News" on left at this site for more info FROM
*Note: Thanks to Pakistan's leader for firing the "Pro-Taliban" Generals,
and Intelligence Officers! Altho there are Taliban supporters in Pakistan,
the majority of Pakistanis support the Government's position of Solidarity
with the US in the endeavor to stamp out Terrorism. The Washington Post
newspaper revealed two failed attempts to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden
during President Clinton's term in office.
According to officials quoted in the newspaper, the CIA secretly trained 60
Pakistani commandos to prepare for a mission inside Afghanistan.
The operation was ended after the Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif was
deposed in a military coup two years ago.
Sudan offer
The paper also said that Sudan had offered to hand over Bin Laden when he
was living there in 1996.
At that time, the US authorities believed that they did not have enough
evidence to put him on trial.
They failed to persuade Saudi Arabia to take him into custody.
So Bin Laden was expelled to Afghanistan, where he is thought to have been
based ever since.
On The Middle East Question (Opinion)
*Thanks to Arafat for announcing that Militants who fail
to honor the ceasefire agreement with Israel will face punishment from the
PLO. It's hard to understand, -where is the solidarity with Palestinians from
Arab States to help allocate resources to Palestinians? Admittedly, it is long overdue to relinquish the lands occupied since the "6 Day War, in 1967(longest occupation in Modern History, perhaps )
The worst atrocity ever committed in
"christian" history,
was the "Crusade" attacks on Jerusalem that murdered All semetic people
there, including Moslems and Jews, it is well known worldwide. -We don't
study this topic in American Christian Schools. *Please remember that
Hitler's Government of Germany killed 6 million Jews. -Don't you think
that Israel has a firm right to exist in peace?
A Look at Our "leaders" Military Service
Who served in the military? -some Prominent Democrats
· House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt - Served his country in uniform,
· House Minority Whip David Bonior - Served his country in uniform, 1968-72
· Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle - Served his country in uniform,
· Albert Gore - Served his country in uniform, 1969-71
· Bob Kerrey... Democrat... Congressional Medal of Honor, VN
· Daniel Inouye... Democrat... Congressional Medal of Honor, WW II
· John Kerry... Democrat...Silver Star& Bronze Star, VN
· Charles Rangel...Democrat... Bronze Star, Korea
· Max Cleland... Democrat... Silver Star & Bronze Star, VN
· Howell Heflin... Democrat... Silver Star
Some Prominent Republicans
· Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
· Majority Leader Dick Armey- avoided the draft, did not serve.
· Majority Whip Tom Delay - avoided the draft, did not serve.
· Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott - avoided the draft, did not serve.
· Senator John McCain...Republican - Served honorably, POW, hero to many
· GW bush - decided that a six-year Nat'l Guard commitment really means
four years
· VP Cheney - several deferments, the last by marriage
· Att'y Gen. John Ashcroft - sought deferment to teach business ed at SW
Missouri State
· Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - did not serve
Elliott Abrams - Sought deferment for bad back. Richard Armey - Sought
college deferment, too smart to die. Bill Bennett - Sought graduate school
deferment, too smart to die. Pat Buchanan - Sought deferment for bad knee.
George W. Bush - Daddy got him in the reserves. Dick Cheney - Sought
graduate school deferment, too smart to die. Tom DeLay - - Sought college
deferment, too smart to die. Newt Gingrich - Sought graduate school
deferment, too smart to die. Phil Gramm - Sought marriage deferment, too
loved to die. Jack Kemp - Sought medical deferment while in the NFL. Rush
Limbaugh - Sought deferment for ingrown hair follicle on his ass. Trent
Lott - Sought deferment, didn't want to muss his hair. Dan Quayle - Family
got him into the Reserves. Pat Robertson - Father pulled him out of Korea as
soon as the shooting began. Kenneth Starr - Sought deferment for psoriasis.
John Wayne - Sought deferment to further acting career. Vin Weber - Sought
deferment for asthma. George Will - Sought deferment
I should admit that I am registered "Statehood" in DC, and I vote
primarily Democrat..so if you post such a list from a Republican
perspective, send it: I will post a link to it here.
"It is the first time in Afghanistan's history that the
lower classes are governing and by force. There are no educated people in
this administration - they are all totally backward and
illiterate."....."They have no idea of the history of the country and
although they call themselves mullahs they have no idea of Islam. Nowhere
does it say men must have beards or women cannot be educated; in fact, the
Koran says people must seek education."
*Moslems, Christians, Jews, and atheists have arisen as American Heroes,
by responding selflessly, and immediately; searching precarious rubble for
survivors, rushing to volunteer, and giving blood.
**I am sickened by the American People being associated with, or blamed for
the activities of so-called U.S. Corporations. These Corporations have no
loyalty to this country, or to ANY country. Their loyalty is to PROFIT,
period. As one example, weapons of mass destruction are "Made In
America" It's no accident that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
U.S. corporations helped supply them.
******There are those who want us to cancel our civil rights, and provide a
blank check of power to the administration, and it's agents. Crys of
"un-American" are hurled at any who dissent from this idea. This is
politics at it's worst. There are strong reasons for our COMPLETE system of
Government, under our Constitution.
As we "come to our senses" after the devastation of this attack that has
broken our hearts,
***WARNING***: I have MIDI Music imbedded
on IndexII, IndexIII, and IndexIV: You may want to turn off the sound
volume, if you are in an office, and don't want co-workers to hear them.